
The Power of Gratitude

A Secret To Spiritual Living

ECK Light & Sound Service

Have a problem? Need an answer?

Focus First on Something
That You Are Truly Grateful For.
Then Listen.

As Gratitude Unseals Fountains of Creativity.


Abundance flourishes in a grateful heart,

gratitude is the secret of love

~ Harold Klemp, The MAHANTA, the Living ECK Master

In this session, we can uncover:

Divine Spirit will give us all that we need.

  • First, we must learn to expect the best in life, and be willing to plan and work for it.
  • Second, we need a clear mental picture of what we desire.
  • Third, this picture is to be maintained constantly, with the certainty that Spirit will supply any rightful desire.
  • Fourth, there must be gratitude for every good thing received.

You are warmly invited to join us in this session.

10 December 2023

4:30pm to 5:30pm

Timezone: Singapore
Date: 10 December 2023
Time: 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
4:15pm to 4:30pm

Civil Service Club #04-00

60 Tessensohn Rd

Singapore 217664

(next to Karate Association)

Nearest MRT:

Farrer Park MRT (Exit B)



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